Next Generation PCB and panel-based Packages using Embedding Technologies
(Leiterplatten- und Panel-basierte Gehäuse der nächsten Generation mit Embedding-Technologien): Technology approaches for the embedding of active and passive components on panel level, using technologies for fabricating build-up layers of printed circuit boards, have been explored intensively during the last years.
The adaptation of such technologies for industrial fabrication has attracted increasingly interest by manufacturers and commercial products have been released. Further developments in panel level based packaging will be addressed in this presentation. The major areas of interest are: a) Modularization of systems into embedded subsystems, and their interconnection, b) Embedded power electronics, c) Embedding using advanced materials.
The focus of this presentation will cover all three aspects. The realization of embedded modules is quite a robust process for different technologies. The process flow, yield and challenges of such technologies for miniaturized modules and power packages will be presented. By nature of the process extremely flat packages can be realized. The routing of electrical contacts from the embedded components to the top and bottom side of the package allows the fabrication of highly versatile package layouts. The flatness and freedom in design makes these packages ideal candidates for package on package / module stacking. The presentation will cover a general overview about panel level packaging strategies and technologies
approaches. It will also give introduction into the development work within recent projects, dealing with modular system approaches as well as the realization of packages and modules for power electronics applications.