

component lead, lead wire:
solid or stranded wire, or formed conductor, that extends from a component to serve as a mechanical or electrical connector, or both

solder terminal:
electrical/mechanical connection device that is used to terminate a discrete wire or wires by soldering / Note 1 to entry: See also "bifurcated solder terminal," "cup solder terminal," "hook solder terminal," "perforated (pierced) solder terminal," and "turret solder terminal".

solder terminal:
<bi-furcated terminal> solder terminal with a slot or slit opening through which one or more wires are placed prior to soldering

solder terminal:
<cup> cylindrical solder terminal with a hollow opening into which one or more wires are placed prior to soldering

solder terminal:
<hook> solder terminal with a curved feature around which one or more wires are wrapped prior to soldering

solder terminal, pierced solder terminal:
<perforated terminal> flat-metal solder terminal with an opening through which one or more wires are placed prior to soldering

solder terminal:
<turret> round post-type stud (stand-off) solder terminal with a groove or grooves around which one or more wires are wrapped prior to soldering