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IPC-HDBK-620 (PDF) Single User
Handbook and Guide to IPC-D-620 & IPC/WHMA-A-620
nglisch, Seiten 236, Stand: 2018. Keine Druckberechtigung, DRM-geschützt, !!!ACHTUNG!!! NENNEN SIE BEI DER BESTELLUNG DEN USER (NAME+E-MAIL)
IPC-HDBK-620 is a companion reference to IPC-D-620 ‘‘Design and Critical Process Requirements for Cable and Wiring Harnesses’’ and IPC/WHMA-A-620 ‘‘Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies” and provides supporting information and technical rationale for requirements in those standards. This guidance document is highly recommended for anyone who wants to learn the “how” and “why” behind the requirements and is a must-have for process and manufacturing engineers working with cable and harness processes.