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HDBK-850 (PDF) Single User
Guidelines for Design, Selection and Application of Potting Materials and Encapsulation Processes Used for Electronics Printed Circuit Board Assembly
Englisch. 68 pages. Stand: July 2012. Keine Druckberechtigung, DRM-geschützt, !!!ACHTUNG!!! NENNEN SIE BEI DER BESTELLUNG DEN USER (NAME+E-MAIL)
This handbook has been written to assist the designers and users of potting and encapsulation in understanding the characteristics of various materials, as well as the factors that can modify those characteristics when the potting or encapsulation is applied. The equipment and processes involved in the preparation and application of potting and encapsulation are also covered. The challenge in developing this handbook is that there has been no clear industry definition that distinguished between potting and encapsulation. From glob-top to dam-and-fill, this document uses terminology associated with processes related only to electronic printed circuit board assembly and protection. Understanding and accounting for these materials can ensure the reliability and function of electronics.
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