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IPC-1601A (PDF) Single User
Printed Board Handling and Storage Guidelines
Englisch. 19 Seiten. Stand: 2016. Keine Druckberechtigung, DRM-geschützt, !!!ACHTUNG!!! NENNEN SIE BEI DER BESTELLUNG DEN USER (NAME+E-MAIL)
The industry's sole guideline on the handling, packaging and storage of printed boards. The guidelines in this document are intended to protect printed boards from contamination, physical damage, solderability degradation and moisture uptake. Consideration is given to packaging material types and methods, production environment, handling and transport of product, and establishing baking profiles for moisture removal. Revision A provides expanded coverage of moisture barrier bags (MBBs), the impact of baking on printed board solderability, ESD issues, moisture concerns for etched cores and composites, desiccant material and HIC cards, and example flowdowns of packaging and handling requirements.
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