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IPC/WHMA-A-620D (PDF) Single User
Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies
Englisch. 420 Seiten. Stand: Januar 2020. Keine Druckberechtigung, DRM-geschützt, !!!ACHTUNG!!! NENNEN SIE BEI DER BESTELLUNG DEN USER (NAME+E-MAIL)
IPC/WHMA-A-620D is the only industry-consensus standard for Requirements and Acceptance of Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies. IPC/WHMA-A-620D describes materials, methods, tests and acceptance criteria for producing crimped, mechanically secured and soldered interconnections and the related assembly activities associated with cable and harness assemblies. IPC/WHMA-A-620D was developed by IPC and the Wire Harness Manufacturers Association (WHMA) (An affiliate of IPC). This document has single-device/user digital rights management (DRM) protection. This document will only be accessible by a single user on a single device. If you are purchasing this DRM-protected document for another user, you will need to provide contact information for that user when placing your order.