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IPC-D-279 (PDF) Single User
Design Guidelines for Reliable Surface Mount Technology Printed Board Assemblies
Englisch. 137 pages. Stand: Juli 1996. Keine Druckberechtigung, DRM-Schutz, !!!ACHTUNG!!! NENNEN SIE BEI DER BESTELLUNG DEN USER (NAME+E-MAIL)
Establishes design concepts, guidelines and procedures for reliable printed wiring assemblies. Focuses on SMT or mixed technology PWAs, specifically addressing the interconnect structure and the solder joint itself. Discusses substrates, components, attachment materials, costings and assembly processes and testing considerations. In addition, this document contains detailed appendices covering: solder attachments; plated-through via structures; insulation resistance; thermal considerations; envi ronmental stresses; coefficient of thermal expansion; electrostatic discharge; solvents; testability; corrosion aerospace and high altitude concerns. 137 pages.