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J-STD-020F (Hardcopy)
IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-020 - Revision F: Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Surface Mount Devices (SMDs)
Englisch. Stand: 2022. Seiten: 30.
IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020F standard is to identify the classification level of nonhermetic SMDs designed for surface mount assembly that are sensitive to moisture-induced stress so that they can be properly packaged, stored, and handled to avoid damage during assembly solder reflow attachment and/or repair operations. IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020F standard may be used to determine what classification level should be used for nonhermetic SMD qualification. Passing the criteria in this test method is not sufficient by itself to provide assurance of long-term reliability. The Moisture Sensitivity Levels (MSLs) rating generated for an SMD by this document is utilized to determine the soak conditions for preconditioning as per JESD22-A113 and how the SMD can be properly packaged, stored, and handled to avoid damage during assembly solder reflow attachment and/or repair operations as per J-STD-033. For IC devices that may be process sensitive, please refer to J-STD-075 to determine if a PSL (Process Sensitivity Level) classification is required.